foshan sanshui yingjie precision machinery co.,ltd-ag电子

inkjet printer
location:home - products - inkjet printer
  • 2018-01-12
    maximum width up to 1800mm or custom-made.
  • 2018-01-10
    mini jet is developed specifically for wall tile production line. it is very compact with full-…
  • 2018-01-18
    plotter for glass1、the most advanced printheads for option2、expandable up to 8 colorbars3、p…
  • 2018-01-15
    plotter for ceramicoverall dimemsion:2500lx1900wx1500hmax printing width:1100instal…
  • 2018-01-27
    centering device
  • 2018-01-27
    ink shaking machine
  • 2018-01-27
    digital printing machine for ink testingoverall dimension:1500lx960wx1600hmax print…
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facroty: no.25-2, area-c, xinan industrial park, central hi-tech industrial zone of sanshui, foshan city.
tel: 0086-757-87702069fax: 0086-757-87773695